Sunday, February 1, 2015

Attributes #2

My responsibilites include protecting the people of lower Egypt from harm and defending the Pharoh and the sun god Ra. I am heavily associated with domestic cats and other felines. My followers predominatly strecthed across lower Egypt, with my main cult thriving in Bubastis of the south-easten delta. My persona is often associated with a lavish lifestyle, consisting of the higher class with lustful, expensive taste. I can be desribed as intense, with a touchy temper. I held my rein as a relativly lone wolf, but I am often assosciated with Sehkmet. Similaries betweent the two of us include our feline heads, and speculation of having the same spouse(Ptah) and child(Nefertem). My symbols include cats, the sun, and the "All Seeing Eye."


  1. I love how one of your responsibilities is to protect the people of lower Egypt from harm. In a way I help protect the Navajo people by healing them.

  2. Cats are meaningful to me as well and we have similar responsibilities.

  3. Cats are meaningful to me as well and we have similar responsibilities.
